Category: news

Howdy folks – the “Phil Seccer Band” is ready for the real summer!!

Wir sehen uns am 29. Mai 2013 / 19.00h / at Zollhaus Cafe / Vilseck, Bavaria.


For big summer opening and barbeque we’ll make a sensual session outside ! Move ya big and small asses and join us – cu all on Wednesday 29th May 19.30h in Vilseck !  TAKE YA HATS

fuckin’ cold yesterday in khabarovsk – but sensational hot girls and crowd. great concert ! over 6.000 fans boiled the ice there. steve cooled down his hat…   -click below for more-

Howdy folks – the Phil Seccer Band headlines in german newspaper.

Big buss regarding the gig at Hahnbach/Germany next Saturday. Hope you’ll come and enjoy the show. TAKE YA HATS !  -click on the picture to read the newspaper article-

Howdy Partners !

Boys, check out ya jeans and hats. Girls, take care ’bout ya virginity – the cowboys are in V-Town ! On Saturday, 5th November the Phil Seccer Band will come to Vilseck, Germany. Start at 20.30h at JP’s Pub in Vilseck. See you at JP’s on 5th November !    TAKE YA HATS !